"The ultimate challenge is remaining to be true to yourself and kind to others while enduring life's struggles".
This is what a nurse told me yesterday whilst packing gauze into a substantial hole in my left buttock. I was lying flat on my stomach and scoffed at the time, but later, once that traumatizing experience was over and done with, I realized I agree with her whole-heartedly. In fact, this has been the ultimate challenge for me since I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease almost three years ago.
First, I bet you're all wondering: why on earth does she have a hole in the western hemisphere of her rear? Well, this is quite a long story, and very, very embarrassing- especially for a 22 year-old single female who will clearly not be getting intimate with anyone anytime soon. Let's be real folks, I don't think much else could be as a turn-off as stumbling upon an oozing gauze-filled flesh wound on your lover's behind. Gross.
Long story short, having an autoimmune disease usually calls for immunosuppressant medication. Because my immune system is overactive and starts attacking healthy cells as well as invading ones, I need a drug that suppresses my immune system so the body will stop attacking itself. Unfortunately, this makes me vulnerable to infection. As a result, an abscess formed. The only way to get rid of it is to surgically cut into the area and remove the infection under the skin. Hence, hole in bum; hence, nurses's kind words. Apparently, this is common with people with Crohn's Disease according to Dr. Champion, the man who handled the procedure. I still have a hard time believing that was his real name. Like, Really?
But back to the nurse. I believe she is utterly and completely right. When going through a tough time, it is so much easier to lose patience and control over your actions and words. I always told myself before that the people I love will understand because they know I'm dealing with something hard. But I realized today, when is someone not dealing with something? For the past two years, I have (I kid you not) been going through one horrible health situation after another- from partial facial paralysis to spinal fracture caused by osteoporosis induced by different drug therapies. For a 22 year old student living on her own, attempting to keep the friends she has, dealing with this was really, really hard. I expected an unfair amount of support from everyone and at times treated my close friends and family quite poorly as a result of the frustration I was feeling from being deprived of a normal healthy life.
The nurse from yesterday (I wish I remembered her name!) explained that this was all something she strives for within her meditation practice. She walked and moved with a confident yet relaxed grace. Her coworker barging in halfway through my treatment with a rude remark did not seem to phase her one bit and she handled the situation with ease. She cracked jokes to make me laugh during the right moments, and offered so much insight to my struggles; qualities of an outstanding nurse. She told me she attempts to be the best person she can be to herself, and as well as to others even through some of the most difficult situations. This is something I, too, am going to strive for- especially in my current predicament.
Throughout this blog I will try and unveil the secrets to better physical and mental health, and if not achieve it learn how to accept my misfortunes as just a set of circumstances. Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, exercising, taking supplements, and obtaining adequate rest are all things that are so essential in maintaining optimal health, especially for people suffering from any kind of health condition. Sticking to a regime can be hard and a total pain in the ass (no pun intended) especially when living above an ice creamery- yes, I really do- but I feel it's absolutely necessary for me to live a fuller happier life. Here goes! Time to wake up. Cue song.
Credits to Soph for introducing me to this song. Give it a listen- you won't be disappointed.